Tag: parent

It’s a girl

By Chief Editor

    When I say ‘It’s a boy’, knowingly or unknowingly, I am being impersonal and impolite in referring to the newborn baby. The excitement and happiness of becoming a father or a mother is beyond measure particularly when that is a first-time experience. Grammatically using ‘it’ in that context in the very sentence isn’t…

Annmol’s Necklace

By Chief Editor

Ann:              Why do I, why doesn’t Parukutty? Appa:            Hai mol’u….How was your day at school today…what all did you learn? Ann:              Appa, why did Amma make me wear the big gold chain and bangles when we went yesterday to aunt Poorna’s wedding? Appa:            that’s because Mol’u will look beautiful if you wear that chain, ring…

“I will kill you”

By Chief Editor

Georgie became 5 years old last week. It was a hot and dry day and I decided to water my kitchen garden before Georgie woke up after his short afternoon nap. It was quite unusual that he sleeps immediately after he reaches home from school. Now that he has become all the talkative over the…