Tag: Jesus

Born Anew – A New Beginning

By Chief Editor

Moments after you were conceived in your mother’s womb, the zygote was gifted with a unique new soul as you grew up to become an embryo. A new human life comes into existence at that moment. Your journey began right there. By the way, that is exactly when the first entry in your book of…


By Chief Editor

                     The impure say, moreover, God has compassion on us who are subject to this vice because he knows that we are flesh. What do you say? God has compassion not on this vice but on those who call unto Him for help to fight against this vice. And you must know that the…

Universe – work of a Calm creation

By Chief Editor

We must go on. Without getting tired. Tiredness is one of the roots of human pride. And so is haste. Why is man annoyed by defeats, why is he upset by delays? Because pride says: “Why say ‘no’ to me? So much delay for me? This is lack of respect for me.” No, My friends.…

Is pain not always evil?

By Chief Editor

A blessing is efficacious and lasting if the souls of men are faithful to the Law of God and to My doctrine. Otherwise, its grace-giving ceases. And it is only fair. Because if it is true that God grants sunshine and fresh air to the good and to the bad, that they may live, and…

Unity- the parable of ant community

By Chief Editor

When does a family thrive and when does the world admire it? When its members are united and of the same mind. If one son becomes the enemy of another, if one brother harms another, is it possible for the prosperity of that family to last long? No. In vain the father of the family…