Category: Family

Me or Money

By Chief Editor

    If you leave your kid with a daycare lady, will she be able to love (interact) your child the way the child’s mother would have loved? No is the default answer to that however there are exceptions. My passion for working, insufficiency of money to manage a home, and similar other excuses that…

It’s a girl

By Chief Editor

    When I say ‘It’s a boy’, knowingly or unknowingly, I am being impersonal and impolite in referring to the newborn baby. The excitement and happiness of becoming a father or a mother is beyond measure particularly when that is a first-time experience. Grammatically using ‘it’ in that context in the very sentence isn’t…

Womb to Tomb

By Chief Editor

  Days in the Womb      The moment a new soul is instilled into an embryo during fertilization, the personality traits of this single-celled human being are 100% pure and perfect in the image and likeness of its Creator. Right from the very next moment, as the nourishment of the preborn’s body continues from its…

Unity- the parable of ant community

By Chief Editor

When does a family thrive and when does the world admire it? When its members are united and of the same mind. If one son becomes the enemy of another, if one brother harms another, is it possible for the prosperity of that family to last long? No. In vain the father of the family…

Mathematics of Time

By Chief Editor

Exactly eighteen days back that fine morning, the sunrise was a bit early at around 05:30 am and my mobile phone started ringing. I usually don’t wake up that early so it was highly unlikely that it was a missed alarm. It was quite odd since I wasn’t expecting anyone’s call that early and so…

Teasing a Child

By Chief Editor

Lakshmikutty is a bit too shorter than all her friends at school while she is taller than most of her playmates in the neighbourhood park. Her elder brother Shravan is 6 years elder than her but she doesn’t call him Anna (elder brother) most often unless her grandparents insist. She doesn’t like his habit of…