Tag: God

Born Anew – A New Beginning

By Chief Editor

Moments after you were conceived in your mother’s womb, the zygote was gifted with a unique new soul as you grew up to become an embryo. A new human life comes into existence at that moment. Your journey began right there. By the way, that is exactly when the first entry in your book of…

Purpose of Creation

By Chief Editor

          God is infinitely perfect in Himself and has therefore no need of creatures for His eternal happiness. He knows Himself fully; and this act of knowing is not transient, but substantial and eternal. It is the perfect image of His own Essence, the Word which expresses His Divine Infinity.       Knowing Himself in the…

Catholic Audience (types)

By Chief Editor

              If your response is a roar with a commanding tone and if the language used hints at teasing someone in public who attempted to propagate some erroneous Catholic teaching, the first reaction which will pop up in his mind will be to defend his perspective and he will go all out to…


By Chief Editor

                     The impure say, moreover, God has compassion on us who are subject to this vice because he knows that we are flesh. What do you say? God has compassion not on this vice but on those who call unto Him for help to fight against this vice. And you must know that the…

It’s a girl

By Chief Editor

    When I say ‘It’s a boy’, knowingly or unknowingly, I am being impersonal and impolite in referring to the newborn baby. The excitement and happiness of becoming a father or a mother is beyond measure particularly when that is a first-time experience. Grammatically using ‘it’ in that context in the very sentence isn’t…

Womb to Tomb

By Chief Editor

  Days in the Womb      The moment a new soul is instilled into an embryo during fertilization, the personality traits of this single-celled human being are 100% pure and perfect in the image and likeness of its Creator. Right from the very next moment, as the nourishment of the preborn’s body continues from its…