It’s a girl

By Chief Editor



          When I say ‘It’s a boy’, knowingly or unknowingly, I am being impersonal and impolite in referring to the newborn baby. The excitement and happiness of becoming a father or a mother is beyond measure particularly when that is a first-time experience. Grammatically using ‘it’ in that context in the very sentence isn’t considered wrong by today’s language experts though. And arguments related to this keep going around claiming that ‘it’ is a dummy subject pronoun to tone down the accusation that ‘it’ is an impersonal pronoun. However, my personal view in this regard is that it is always better not to refer to a child or a baby as an ‘it’. I would strongly argue that these kinds of phrases originate from the work desks of people influenced by the ideology which heavily disregards an unborn child or a pre-born baby. Ask any pro-choice activist and the first thing you would hear is that a baby is not a human being but a lump of cells until the child is out of the womb. A few of these not-so-aggressive ones may even do you a favour by saying that after 7-8 months the child can be categorized as a human being however they’ll still tag the child as a parasite. Such indifference, if not disrespect towards the purest form of human life (being) is today an undeniable reality in almost all formats of our social construct and communication frameworks. Grammar, as we call it today, certainly isn’t immune to such seemingly harmless tweakings by these evil agenda drivers.


     In short, let’s refrain from the temptation to shorten the sentence or fall into the trap of making our announcement statements cuter by referring to a baby as ‘it’. The availability of colourful and vibrant stickers on WhatsApp or Instagram with the words such as ‘It’s a boy’ or ‘It is a girl’ lures us no matter how many lectures we hear about this. But the fact remains that if my child could understand my language and speak out to me right then, the child would certainly express his unhappiness about him being referred to as an ‘it’.


     Gender ideology or to say the entire gamut of that evil is fighting hard enough with its lies to grab our children young. A large majority of all those who are suffering from gender dysphoria are today resorting to uncouthness by forcing senseless pronouns into our vocabulary. Their primary push is to try and fool ignorant people by saying that human beings are born genderless. Biology is probably not a stream of science in their fictional world. These people are working very very hard to somehow trick ignorant people into believing that a biological male child born with male genitals is not necessarily a male child. They want to thrust their lie into our minds that this child has to grow up and then make a choice as to whatever gender the child wants to affirm. For all those who are hearing this absurdity for the first time, you might rightfully think I am mad to be saying all this rubbish. But believe me, the Western world is already losing its sanity since it is tolerant to allow this dangerous evil ideology to have percolated into the minds of innocent children for several years even as we speak. Now, coming back to our initial point of discussion which was about addressing a child as ‘it’, we know why they want a newborn to be referred to so. Let’s be vigilant to save our kids from slipping over such slimy slopes and eventually right into the abyss.


     ‘The baby is a boy’ is sweet to hear. ‘My baby is a girl’ sounds good too. ‘Our child is a girl’ is even better, provided you want to keep it short. The best in my opinion is always to include the Almighty God into the equation. As we all know, The Creator who is the original and the only source of every life form in this universe, is the one who instilled life and gifted a unique soul to the baby when the baby was just an embryo. All the more important is to note that every baby is literally God’s child more than any parent can ever claim as theirs. Parents should not forget that He has only entrusted His child into their hands to be good guardians to support the child all along as it grows physically and mentally. Every parent’s primary duty is to ensure that God’s child is equipped enough to conquer all the heavy waves during his time on earth and gets back safely into the abode of God the Father. So, in my world, the following statements rank better than the best to announce when a child is born of you;

     “We are blessed with a boy child”

     “We thank God for entrusting us with His girl child”