Category: World

Modesty in Dressing

By Chief Editor

    “It might be said that society speaks through the clothing it wears. Through its clothing it reveals its secret aspirations and uses it, at least in part, to build or destroy its future.”   – Ven. Pope Pius XII     “One cannot minimize the importance of style’s influence for good or for evil.…

It’s a girl

By Chief Editor

    When I say ‘It’s a boy’, knowingly or unknowingly, I am being impersonal and impolite in referring to the newborn baby. The excitement and happiness of becoming a father or a mother is beyond measure particularly when that is a first-time experience. Grammatically using ‘it’ in that context in the very sentence isn’t…

Leave our Kids alone

By Chief Editor

News article: A Catholic school in New Orleans decides not to renew its contract with 3 of its teaching staff allegedly because they either publicly supported or belong to the LGBT community. ‘L’ comments below the published news article and the further responses as indicated below is a conversation which is expected to be conceived…