Every human Life, from the very moment of its creation, has a definite purpose for its existence. Man's ultimate accomplishments in Life will be a Mathematically precise OUTPUT of the cumulative INPUT fed into his system, processed using his unique PERSONALITY equations formulated till that moment in his life.
Past can be changed: the effects of the past can certainly be changed by taking control of the present
This very moment in life as you read this, is the only reality at hand. The Present holds the key to renewing the past and reassuring the future
Man can determine his future equations in life as precisely as he learns to manage his personality dynamics in the present
As an unborn in the womb, the purpose of one's existence was to enjoy the good thoughts of the mother up until the moment of birth, as a newborn it was the mother's milk and sleep, as an infant it was more milk and kisses, as a toddler it was toys, then it was chocolates, then stories, then playtime, .....
To possess Wisdom one must buy her with Virtues
Temperance, Justice, Fortitude, Prudence
What | Why | Who | When | Which | How
Creation Awe
To wonder at the greatness, complexity, sublimity, and simplicity of each Creation in this universe, is to interact with the Creator
Input Filtering
Each of the 7 faculties (including the 5 senses) is constantly at work at every moment and so the junk that tries to get in needs to be filtered
Reference Personality
Life is easier if one can refer to the personality traits of a real-life personality on critical matters involving decision making
Spotting Errors
A healthy combination of interactions with the Creator and the chosen reference personality will shed enough light on the errors in our own personality
Question Mode
Cultivate and keep alive the habit of clarifying every doubt, only if that question hasn't taken control over you. Tame it before you dissect it
Conquering Fear
Every single error/disorder in man has a unique variant of fear as its root cause. Behind every fear is a wave of anger suppressed
Respecting Rhythm
Be it right or wrong, develop the strength to honour your rhythm of mind, soul, and body, provided your conscience is influenced by the TRUTH
Play Ground
Every thought, word, and action leaves an indelible mark in our life. Score a point at every single moment before the game is over
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Purpose of Creation
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